As you can tell, I am a bit delayed in posting more information about the beta FamilySearch site. The testing is coming along nicely and they have made some great improvements. The one that I am definitely pleased with is the addition of a "Family Group Record". If you are not familiar with what a family group record is or looks like, please check the picture to the right. Being as this is just a beta test, I am not sure what things will stay and which things will be removed, but I do like this feature. You can work from the family group record to find possible duplicates in the family search files which is nice.
I also have learned that I need to work on cleaning up my file before submitting it as a GEDCOM file to FamilySearch. What I mean by cleaning up is that I need to correct my place names and make sure that the format is "city, county, state, country". I had always thought that I was very precise when entering my information, but as I have worked in the beta test, I have seen that some of my place names are listed incorrectly. This is an easy fix and I will work on that utlizing PAF Insight, but there are many other programs available that will assist with this change as well.
I think that overall the system is working great and that everyone will be happy with the new changes once it is released. No release dates have been announced at this time. The beta testing continues and then once that is completed, they will have to make corrections, adjustments, etc. as they see fit. They want this site to be an excellent resource and assistance to those of researching for your ancestors.
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