The Chicken Scratch that I am referring to has nothing to do with embroidery or chicken feed. The chicken scratch to which I am referring has to do with the illegible handwriting of the old passenger lists. I am sure if you have had experience with trying to decipher the writing on passenger lists, census records, etc. you understand to what I am referring.
Manifest Markings - A Guide to Interpreting Passenger List Annotations website provides many useful hints and helps in understanding the confusing markings on some of the passenger lists. The guide was created by Marian L. Smith, Historian, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service
with the assistance of Elise Friedman, Flora Gursky, and Eleanor Bien. If you have time to review this guide, you will come to understand the little nuances of understanding the passenger lists which could result in finding an ancestor that has illuded you for years. This guide may be reached by clicking here. Have fun learning.
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