If you have ever wondered where to find information about the various genealogical computer programs that are available, Kessler's Genealogy Software Links is a one stop shop. If you recall my previous post regarding the program "Behold" authored by Louis Kessler, he also maintains this Genealogy Software Links page. Louis has over 50 links to various genealogical programs consolidated in one site, providing a brief description of the program.
He provides the following information:
1. The 3 Best Liked and Top Rated Programs
2. The 5 Most Popular Genealogy Programs
3. The 4 Most Comprehensive Genealogy Programs
4. Other Full Featured Genealogy Programs (English Websites)
5. Other Full Featured Genealogy Programs (Non-English Websites)
6. Online Genealogy Programs
7. Utility Programs for Genealogists
8. Utility Programs to Produce Web Pages from Genealogical Data
9. Genealogy-Related Programs
10. Programs for Pocket PCs
11. Programs for Palm Organizers
12. Software Repositories
13. Newsgroups and Mail lists
14. Periodicals all about Genealogical Programs
15. Independent Comparisons of Genealogy Programs
16. Other Lists of Genealogical Programs on the Web
Although not listed in the contents above, Louis also will provide you with links to the genealogical programs that will operate on the Mac and Linux operating systems. Louis is very quick to respond if you would like to provide other links that you think would benefit others. If you would like to see what is available please click here and you will be directed to the website.
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