If you are like me, you probably have not heard of the Doukhobors. I was doing some research today and found out that the Doukhobors or Dukhobortsi (translated to mean "Spirit Wrestlers", are a religious sect of Russians that broke away from the Russian Orthodox Church back in 1785. Being exiled, several members of this group settled in Finland, Southern Russian and the Ukraine. In January 1899, over 10,000 members of the Doukhobors sect began to immigrate to Canada being assisted by Leo Tolstoy and the Society of Friends (Quakers) settling in Saskatchewan setting up 61 settlements on the prairies. This group also settled in areas of Alberta and British Columbia.
If you have Canadian Russian Ancestors, you might want to check out Doukhobor Genealogy website. This site is full of information including the "how-to" sections regarding Doukhobor Genealogy, Maps of the Immigration, Research Sources including Immigration records, Village Indexes, and much more. This site is skillfully organized and easily navigated. Doukhobor Genealogy is a website worth checking out. Have fun!
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