The databases included on this site are:
Census records for 1801, 1865, 1875, 1900
Digitized parish registers
User Forums to ask questions
Photo Albums of Norwegian Farms
How to lessons for reading Gothic Writing and tracing your Norwegian ancestry.
Norway's Digital Archives site is a great source for those researching their Norwegian ancestry. It is easily navigated and has some wonderful resources. The site can be viewed in the language of your preference, Norwegian or English. If there are some of the pages that are only in Norwegian, you can always use the GramTrans, translation website that I discussed on this blog. If you would like to investigate the resources on Norwegian Digital Archives click here.
I already bookmarked this for future re-readings. I have skimmed through the page and I see you've written a lot of cool tips. Thanks a lot for sharing......
Birth Records
You are welcome. I am glad that you have the information useful.
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