The indexes included on this site are:
Deaths 1788 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1789 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1790 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1791 NSW & Norfolk Island
Complete list of Convicts and passengers
of the Royal Admiral 1792 pdf
Old Sydney Burial Ground 1792 - 1820
1792: there are over 500 deaths
A - C 1792 NSW & Norfolk Island
D - J 1792 NSW & Norfolk Island
K - P 1792 NSW & Norfolk Island
R - Z 1792 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1793 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1794 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1795 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1796 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1797 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1798 NSW & Norfolk Island
1798 Governor Hunter Assignment Report - Women Convicts
Deaths 1799 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1800 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1801 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1802 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1803 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1804 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1805 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1806 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1807 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1808 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1809 NSW & Norfolk Island
Deaths 1810 NSW & Norfolk Island
Headstones 1788 - 1810
Death year unknown (but still in the 1788 - 1810 period)
I also found out from Cathy this evening the following: "Soon to be added will be executions, Norfolk Island 1st Settlement deaths 1788 – 1814
Includes references to the primary records such as the Sydney Gazette, Inquest details and shipping records and others."
Information included in the indices are the location, first and last name, burial and death dates, some also include the name of the parents if the person that died was a child. If the decedent was a convict, often there is information regarding the crime with which they were charged. If you have ancestors from New South Wales and/or Norfolk Island in Australia, this site may be able to provide you with information regarding ancestors. The Early Colonial History site of NSW click the New South Wales and Norfolk Island Indices. Even if you do not have Australian ancestry, it is interesting to read through the various indices. Have fun!
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