I just received an email from FamilySearch Support this afternoon that stated that PAF Add-Ins of Ancestral Quest 12.1 and/or FamilyInsight are now going to be released. What does this mean to all of us? Well, if you are not currently on New FamilySearch, it means nothing. You will not be able to utilize these new programs. If you are on New FamilySearch, it means a great deal. The programs have been designed to directly interface with New FamilySearch allowing for syncing of information between the two databases. Simply put, it will save you a great deal of typing. I personally have not been involved in the beta tests of these two products, so I can't tell you how well they work.
I do have past experience with PAF Insight (the previous version of FamilyInsight) and found that it was a great tool in coordinating databases and finding problems with pedigrees and/or place names. I worked with Ancestral Quest a long time ago and have not used it since, but I know that it does have more bells and whistles that the spartan PAF program.

Both of these programs have a 60 day free trial period. The programs have not been released as of yet from the two vendors, but I will let you know when I find out. If you would like to view the FamilyInsight information visit
Ohana Software. If you would like to view Ancestral Quest, visit
Incline Software. I would suggest looking at both programs and deciding which will best fill your needs as a genealogist. Ancestral Quest and PAF5 will access the exact same database which will allow you more flexibility with printing capabilities for reports, pedigrees, research logs, etc. Please remember that you need to be able to access New FamilySearch to make these new updates work for you in the best possible way. Have fun!
Ohana Software know nothing about this and most of them are out of town at a conference at BYU.
We (Ohana Software) knew that FamilySearch would be announcing that FamilyInsight was now FamilySearch Certified. However, we were unaware that the announcement would say that FamilyInsight was released. We wish it were so and we are working as hard as we can to release FamilyInsight as soon as possible.
Thank you for stopping by. I want you to know that I appreciate the hard work that you put forth in to making PAF and New FamilySearch inner connectivity. I know that my gratitude is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak as others have expressed to me their excitement for the release of FamilyInsight. Thank you again for all you and your team do. On a side note, do you happen to know the Vincent Family? They used to live if Kihei, Hawaii.
Thank you for the kind words. Sorry, we don't know the Vincent family.
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